
     Hello everybody, I am Bekah Koven, I use they/them pronouns. I am a sophomore here at FSU, I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in Education. I plan to go to graduate school and get my Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling, and become a counselor/therapist. I am well-versed in research about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as well as the LGBTQ+ community, and plan to focus on patients in the LGBTQ+ community and patients with ASD.

    I have used technology for many different things in my education, just last semester I created a Jeopardy game for one of my courses. Since around 5th grade, I have had some sort of technological device to use in classes, my middle school and high school provided us free laptops for the school year which I ended up using a lot when the Covid-19 Pandemic happened. Since then I have been in many online classes and use my laptop for basically everything school related.

    One personal learning network I utilize often is group me, it helps me connect to students in my classes and set up study groups. Unfortunately, this app is often abused by my classmates and they will break the honor code we have and give others answers to assignments and tests. This has led me to use this app less because I do not want to be roped into a violation that I had nothing to do with. Another PLN I use is good notes, this is a notes app I use on my iPad where I take all of my notes, read many textbooks, and do assignments on. This has different features that I like such as searching for specific words in my notes, highlighting, and easy organization.


  1. Yes, I am in a few programs to help provide research opportunities. I have applied to Psi Chi and the FSU mentor program. I also keep up with the DIS opportunities listed for FSU.

  2. Hi Bekah! I'm also majoring in Psychology and minoring in Education. I think it's awesome that you are planning to get your Master's in Mental Health Counseling- good luck with this! I find it admirable that you want to focus on underserved and underrepresented communities, like the LGBT community and those with ASD.
    On another note, I completely understand your hesitation in using GroupMe. Last semester, somebody in a GroupMe I was in did break Honor Code, putting almost the entire class's grades in jeopardy. Luckily, our professor let us all off with a warning! You are definitely right to be cautious when it comes to those group chats. That being said, I still think they're an awesome way to connect with peers. Best of luck this semester!


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