Journal #7

The school website I found is Mrs. Clark's website. 

This website begins on a home page that has multiple types of contact information for someone who needs to contact her. This website has separate pages for each of Mrs. Clark's classes, as well as some other topics that are important for students and their parents to have access to. The website is very informative and allows parents to know exactly what is expected of their child, and allows them to keep track of assignments and books needed for the class. The design is subtle but not boring, it is very balanced which is what is needed for a school website.

I envision myself using many different types of technological resources, the main ones being creating a class website and a class quizlet. I would create a class website because it is a perfect way to communicate with parents about what their child is expected to do in the class. It would also give parents a clear form of communication with me, as well as the students. A class quizlet would be beneficial because it would allow students to study for the class through interactive tools, which is something that really helped me as a student. I would also give extra credit to students who created their own quizlet set, this incentivizes students to study more, which enhances their learning.

I have never worked on a wiki platform before, but I think these could be beneficial in my teaching. One way I could use this for future students is by making a designated class wiki, in which I would assign students to collaborate on a topic and create their own sub-wiki. I would have students from different classes edit them, giving students a way to collaborate without communicating with each other. I think I would not grade this assignment very harshly as there is definitely room for error. I would use this more as a teaching point that tells students that information on wikis can be changed which means they must do further research into the claims made on wikis.
