Journal #8

     One skill I acquired was learning how to determine what colors worked well together and had the correct amount of contrast. This is something I often have some trouble with but I found a website that suggests color palettes and then I would copy and paste the hex code into Weebly. I did have to play around with font colors to find out what was most legible but I enjoyed figuring that out. A final skill I acquired was learning how to find interesting layouts that were not repetitive but not too distracting at the same time. Overall, I am very proud of my web design.

Here is the link to my website:

    Diigo was definitely a learning curve for me, I had never used it before and at first, it was a bit daunting. A skill I've acquired from using Diigo is learning how to briefly summarize long and interesting articles. I always want to talk about everything I read but I had to pick out the main points so one could quickly understand the contents of the article I shared. Another skill I acquired is learning how to work the annotate feature, at first I was having trouble finding out how to get it to show up. Once I watched a tutorial I finally figured it out and I really enjoyed that feature and found it very useful.

    I find padlet very interesting, it is something I had never used before but I think it could be very useful in countless scenarios. I like how easy it is to use, it only took me a few minutes to get the hang of it, and the features are pretty straightforward. I think having a place to store all of my participation portfolio items that are not just a file on my computer is very beneficial to me. This makes it so I can easily view all of my items without having to open a new window multiple times.,experiences%20tailored%20to%20social%20media.

    The website I included above is a site where different articles can be published. The specific link is for an article that outlines some recent educational technology trends in 2023. This explains to teachers the trend and its features, which will allow a teacher to better understand it. In the future I plan to look at this website again and find new articles about technology trends, this is how I will stay on top of trends in the field.


  1. Hey Bekah I really like your class website. The sage green color allows for readability and aesthetics to meet on good terms. The clip art is relevant and fun. (Also love that you included a picture of your cat) The only place I can see room for improvement is the hyperlinks are grey so there a bit tougher to read but still mostly clear. All in all I would say wonderful job! :)


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