Journal #9
I am in an asynchronous section of EME 2040. I like this format because it allows me to work on things at my own pace. This is beneficial for me because it allows me to have breaks to avoid burnout. Now some people think this can lead to people turning assignments in late, but for me, it does the exact opposite; since I am not pressured to turn in assignments quickly I am able to find the motivation to do them. When I am a teacher I plan to use technology a lot, for example, one thing I will always do is post all PowerPoint and recordings of lectures. This can be used by students who were sick, students who want to refresh their memory before a test, etc. This is a very useful thing to do and I think all teachers should do this.
OERs are resources that are accessible to anyone with the technological ability to access said resources. OERs are open to everyone, and there are 5 rights that OER accessors have. These rights are Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix, and Redistribute. A resource about OERs that I found is "What are OER?" by TUS Library. This article contains loads of information about OERs such as examples of some OERs, the licensing outlines, how OERs relate to education, and some other useful topics.
Some skills I acquired from assignment 4 were the ability to manipulate the slide master, add footers, create new layouts, and how to narrate slides. These skills will be very useful in my future, and I can say with certainty that I will use them. One thing I did not like about the assignment was that we had to try and keep the presentations 4-6 minutes long. I was not able to do that because our minimum amount of content slides was 10, which, by following the readings, would require a minimum of 10 minutes.
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