Journal #10
Assignment 5 was something relatively familiar to me as I had created a jeopardy game in a previous class just not through PowerPoint. One thing I learned was how to add sound to transitions, this is something that wasn't working for me at first. This was a bit frustrating but after a bunch of tries, I finally got it to work. Overall I am happy with the results and honestly want to use it for students in a future class of mine. I think I will use surveys a lot as a teacher, considering I plan to teach psychology to high schoolers. One way I will use surveys is by doing a monthly check-in, I will use this to see how students are feeling about their classes, mental health, home life, and social life. I will also use surveys to do a mock experimental study with my students so they know what they are like. I will then have my students run mock experimental studies so they have first-hand experience in organizing them. I think collaborati...